



就活とか人生で何するのが幸せになるかってずーと考えてたんやけど、ラボの友達に。 絶対就職せずに海外のPhDになった方が楽しいよ!他の人と同じことしてても楽しくないやろ? って言われて、ちょっと悩んできた笑 就職したらずーっと同じやし、楽しいんか…

I lost my English

I was talking with Japanese people while winter break and I haven't spoken English for a long time so my English is getting worse. Since I am going to take a Toeic test next month, I have to study more. I bought a thick text book and I am …

my new year’s resolution

First, I am going to make a habit of studying English and getting up at 7am every day Second, I am going to success my job hunting third, to publish my paper last one is that I am gonna to be more kind and honest and sincere


12月20くらいから1月15まで休みなんですけど、今日からアメリカの企業訪問でテキサスと、ケンタッキーらへん行ってきます!!この3週間で乗り換えあわせたら飛行機10回くらい乗ってる SFO →Las Angeles →Las Vegas →San Jose (by car) ×2→El Paso →Louisvill…

I have nothing to do these days

I am in a winter break and I have nothing to do these days. There is only me in my house so I just watched youtube a lot. I gotta study English for TOEIC or so but I do't have a motivation to do that (-_-) Finally I did a laundry today. I …