

I will try evrything

I was surprised when I was coming into my room because my roommates are only Chinese and Japanese. Actually I want to live with foreigner to study English. But now, I don’t care about it. I can’t do anything if I want to change the room and I have to feel positive. I don’t have any class and My lab haven’t start yet. I don’t have community except my roommate so I felt nervous. After Sep 2nd My lab will start and I will get another community. Additionally, I want to belong a lot of communities like club or volunteerand  I try to speak English there. Of course, I am trying to do to my roommate. My English skills are worst in my roommate so I can learn lots in my room. I don’t forget to learn English.

By the way, I went to Event that held by International Scholar. We got food and drink and talk lots. I tried to speak English but their English is too fast so it is difficult to understand. when they talk to me, I couldn’t understand and our conversation didn’t go on. I was sad and felt my own helplessness. I was going to study speaking but I notice that if I want to talk, Listening is more important than I thought. I underestimate native speed of speaking. I think it three times as fast as TOEIC listening test. I decide that I watch TED every day, read a book, write what I couldn’t understand and write a diary in English once two days. I am going to try everything.




my own helplessness:無力感